Historically the A-side and B-side are the two sides of analogue musical recordings with the A-side usually promoted as the ONE. The B-side (or flip-side) deemed a secondary recording, typically receives less attention. However, some B-sides have been as successful as, or more so, than their A-sides.
In extending this concept to creativity in general, instead of being seen as lesser-than, or a scrap, the B-side can be viewed as the 'sine qua non' stream of energy which continually reticulates throughout everything an artist does. B-side creativity is essentially an arena of freedom, before the forces of commodification and structure (both extrinsic and intrinsic) begin to inroad processes of productivity.
The only curatorial premise for this show was that each artist was asked to think about their B-side - to think about being unfettered and make me an offer of work - which I would accept in the spirit with which it was made. As a curate this itself is a challenge to remain open and willing to embrace the gifts as presented.